Gothic rose

Lament Not This Druid's Passing.

© 2002, Foxy!

This wicked deed that no man could forsee;
Never before did I know how alone I could be.
My soul cries in anguish, yet none is here to reply,
By the cruel winds of fate, one so gracious to die?

This Goddess afore me; in my world all that mattered;
With her passing last breath - my bleak world is shattered.
Cast my eyes to the heavens, see unkind shades of grey,
All reasons for existance now doth fade away.

I cling her body to mine, her weak earthly form;
For no help can I offer, but to lament and mourn.
Yet in her frail breathing, her voice sings still true;
"Please do not cry so, twas nought you could do."

"For know now in her wisdom, great Awen is forgiving;
Thus my self doth return to the Land of the Living."
Yet my tears still fall on this once barren earth;
Even in knowing her Self now awaits a new birth.

Swear I can see through my tears, her astral form rise,
As if on wings of an angel; and take to the skies.
I raise my hand silently - an acknowledged fairwell.
When she returns to the Human World, only time will tell.

And with that truly I know her spirit has departed -
This one journey ended, another thus started.
For now I know even a torn, broken heart will mend;
In the Great Wheel of Time; death is not the end.

Gothic rose

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